| Your Publisher ID: pub-0743900184326146 | Sign In | | | Policy Update | Important AdSense policy update coming soon | | | | Policy Update | Important AdSense policy update coming soon | | | | Dear AdSense Publisher, | We're writing to let you know about a change to Google's publisher policies for all of our publisher products that will affect your AdSense account. | In September 2019, we're launching changes to some of our content policies across our publisher products (AdSense, AdMob, and Ad Manager). While there's no action for you to take today since this won't affect any publishers right now, be sure that you read through this email to familiarize yourself with what's coming next month. | Why we're making these changes: | One of the top requests we hear from publishers is that they want us to simplify and streamline our policies. We know that many of you use several of our publisher products and we want to bring you a clear and easy way to understand how to interact with our policies and how they affect you, no matter which products you use. | Here's what you can expect: | | Google Publisher Policies, which outline the types of content we won't monetize through any of our publisher products. These include: Illegal Content, Child Sexual Abuse Material & Pedophilia, Sexually Explicit Content, Adult Themes in Family Content, Intellectual Property Abuse, Endangered or Threatened Species, Dangerous or Derogatory Content, Enabling Dishonest Behavior, Misrepresentative Content, Malicious or Unwanted Software, and Mail Order Brides. | | | | Google Publisher Restrictions, which outline the types of content which will receive restricted sources of advertising. These include: Sexual Content, Shocking Content, Explosives, Guns, Gun Parts & Related Products, Other Weapons, Tobacco, Recreational Drugs, Alcohol Sales and Misuse, Online Gambling, Prescription Drugs, and Unapproved Pharmaceuticals and Supplements. Google Ads (formerly AdWords) will continue not to serve on any of this restricted content; it will only receive ads from other advertising products or via the use of direct deals between publishers and advertisers. | | | | Alignment across our publisher products, bringing simplicity, consistency, and ease of understanding, regardless of the product(s) you choose to use. | | | | What it means for you as an AdSense publisher: | Monetizing content that falls under the Google Publisher Restrictions will no longer be a policy violation; instead, we will restrict advertising on that content as appropriate, based on the preferences of each advertising product and/or advertisers' individual preferences. In some cases this will mean that no advertising sources are bidding on your inventory and no ads will appear on this restricted content. So while you can choose to monetize content covered by the Google Publisher Restrictions, doing so will mean you will likely receive less advertising on this restricted content than you would receive on other, nonrestricted content. | Content that falls under the Google Publisher Policies is not allowed to be monetized and you should not place ads against that content. As with our current policies today, attempting to monetize policy-violating content may result in your account(s) being suspended or terminated. | Please note that these policies and restrictions will apply in addition to any other policies governing your use of Google publisher products. | What you need to do: | Nothing at this time. The Help Center and Policy Center will be updated in September 2019 when this takes effect with the full breakdown of policies and restrictions. At that time, please review the updated policies and restrictions and ensure that your content is in compliance. | Please note that going forward, Google will be announcing updates to our policies and restrictions for AdSense on this change log. Publishers are required to keep abreast of changes to policies and be in compliance with them at all times. | Sincerely, | The Google AdSense Team | | | | | | | | | |
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Aktifkan kembali Google Ads dan dapatkan hasil yang nyata | | | Anda telah mengetahui bahwa Google Analytics adalah cara terbaik untuk mengukur progres Anda di internet. Tahukah Anda bahwa Google Ads adalah cara terbaik untuk tampil di hadapan pelanggan baru? | Baik sasarannya adalah mendapatkan lebih banyak panggilan telepon ke bisnis, kunjungan ke toko, atau klik ke situs, Anda hanya akan membayar saat pelanggan melakukan tindakan. Siapkan iklan dan teknologi Google akan melakukan sisanya. | | Hubungi 180‑3852‑8660180‑3852‑8660 untuk mendapatkan bantuan dalam menyiapkan akun Google Ads Anda dan dukungan tambahan tanpa biaya tambahan.* | | | | | | | Dapatkan kredit iklan gratis senilai Rp450.000 jika Anda membelanjakan Rp450.000 pertama dengan Google Ads. Gunakan kode penawaran 4RE4F‑QX9F6‑JR43.† Tukarkan sekarang » | | | Sampai jumpa di internet, Tim Google Analytics | | | © 2019 Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., 70 Pasir Panjang Road, #03-71, Mapletree Business City, Singapore 117371 | Email ini dikirim ke putrantoerie01@gmail.com karena Anda menyatakan bersedia menerima kabar mengenai integrasi Google Analytics dengan produk Google lainnya. Jika Anda tidak bersedia menerima email semacam ini di masa mendatang, mohon batalkan langganan Anda di sini: https://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/optout/AFnwnKWEgNMkZOXMAv6Au9AY8GepFlI0GrSjIWyE-W2j8mF0zLP7mWzE5WvvM47zjmsuqQ?hl=id Anda juga dapat mengganti preferensi pada laman Komunikasi Email Google Analytics akun dengan masuk ke https://www.google.com/analytics/settings/my_account | *Senin - Jumat, pukul 9.00-18.00 WIB | †Syarat dan Ketentuan berlaku untuk kredit promosi online: 1. Penawaran tersedia khusus untuk pelanggan dengan alamat penagihan di Indonesia. Satu kode promosi per pengiklan. 2. Untuk mengaktifkan penawaran ini: Masukkan kode promosi di akun anda sebelum 30-09-2019. 3. Untuk memperoleh kredit: Mulai iklan! Biaya iklan yang Anda kumpulkan di akun ini dalam 31 hari setelah memasukkan kode promosi, tidak termasuk pajak, akan diberi kredit iklan dalam jumlah yang sama, hingga nilai maksimum Rp450.000. 4. Setelah langkah ke-2 & 3 selesai, kredit biasanya akan masuk ke Ringkasan Penagihan akun Anda dalam waktu 5 hari. 5. Kredit hanya berlaku untuk biaya iklan di masa mendatang. Kredit tidak dapat digunakan untuk biaya yang terkumpul sebelum kode dimasukkan. 6. Anda tidak akan menerima pemberitahuan setelah kredit digunakan dan biaya iklan tambahan apa pun akan dibebankan ke metode pembayaran Anda. Jika Anda tidak ingin melanjutkan iklan, Anda dapat menjeda atau menghapus kampanye kapan saja. 7. Akun Anda harus berhasil ditagih oleh Google Ads dan tetap dalam reputasi baik agar memenuhi syarat kredit promosi. 8. Persyaratan dan ketentuan lengkap dapat dilihat di sini: http://www.google.co.id/intl/id/ads/coupons/terms.html. | |
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