Blended Learning Pelatihan dan Ujian Sertifikasi
AHLI PENGADAAN BARANG/JASA PEMERINTAH (Tingkat Dasar) Berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 12 Tahun 2021 | Tempat Pelaksanaan : Hotel Sunlake Sunter Jalan Danau Permai Raya - Jakarta e-Learning 07 – 13 Desember 2021 Tatap Muka 14 - 15 Desember 2021 Ujian : 16 Desember 2021 PAKET PELATIHAN : A. Pelatihan (dengan metode Blended Learning) + Ujian • Tanpa Penginapan : Rp. 4.500.000,- • Dengan Penginapan : Rp. 5.950.000,- (4 hari 3 malam (twin share)) (chek in 1 hari sebelum kegiatan, chek out Setelah ujian, sudah termasuk Makan Pagi dan Malam) Selengkapnya klik : Atau Kontak Panitia : 0811 1102 991 / 0811 1242 824 | Salam
LPKN Training Center |
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| | On January 5, 2022, we're updating our Terms of Service ("Terms") to help clarify and make it easier to understand what to expect as you use the service. These changes won't affect the way you use YouTube. You can review a summary of the changes and the updated Terms here. | | At a glance, this update covers: | - More clarity on what to expect: We're providing more transparency about how we develop, improve, and update our service, including more detail about the reasons we make changes and updates, and the advanced notice we provide to you.
- General updates for improved readability: While our Terms remain a legal document, we've done our best to make them easier to understand. This includes reorganizing some sections (such as Account Suspension and Termination) and rewording others (such as Changing this Agreement).
- Inclusion of the Community Guidelines strikes process: Your use of YouTube has always been subject to the Community Guidelines and its strikes process, but we're now explicitly including the Community Guidelines strikes information in the Terms to increase transparency. There are no changes to how Community Guidelines strikes operate, or when a channel or content might receive a strike.
| | Please make sure you read the updates to the Terms. By continuing to use YouTube after this date, you are agreeing to the updated Terms. Note, if you allow your child to use YouTube Kids, or manage your child's use of YouTube through Family Link, take a moment to talk to them about these changes. | | Thank you for being part of our global community! | | | | | Help Center • Email options | | You have received this email to update you about important changes to YouTube's Terms of Service. | | | | © 2021 Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, 94043 | | |
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Workshop 2 Hari
IMPLEMENTASI SISTEM PENGADAAN SECARA ELEKTRONIK (SPSE) VER 4.5 Sesuai Perpres 12 Tahun 2021 & Per LKPP No. 12 Tahun 2021 | Tempat dan Waktu Kegiatan : • Hotel Sunlake Sunter - Jakarta • 2 Hari kegiatan • 14 - 15 Desember 2021 • Pukul 08:00 - 17:00 WIB Materi Pelatihan : • Kebijakan “Sistem Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (SPSE) • Gambaran Umum o Sistem Informasi Kinerja Penyedia (SIKAP) o E - Purchasing o e- Kontrak • Pembuatan Paket Pemilihan • Pengadaan Langsung • Penunjukan Langsung • Tender Cepat • Tender / Seleksi Fasilitas • Mengikuti 2 Hari Kelas Pelatihan • Sertifikat 20 JP • Hard Copy Materi, Modul, dan Peraturan • Tas dan Atk • Softcopy Materi • Coffe, snack, Makan Siang • Penginapan, Sarapan, dan Makan Malam (menginap) Biaya Pelatihan : " Rp. 2.950.000,- " Link Registrasi : Atau : WhatsApp Panitia : Kontak Panitia : 0811 8042 811 | Salam LPKN Training Center |
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| • Sabtu , 27 November 2021 • Pukul 10.00 - 12.00 WIB Narasumber : Dr. Ir. Putut Marhayudi M.M. MBA., IPU., CCMs (Direktur Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi – Kementerian PUPR) Fasilitas Gratis: • Mengikuti Kelas Online • Materi Pelatihan • Peraturan terkait• Video Rekaman • DoorPrize Menarik Selengkapnya kunjungi atau Untuk memudahkan Koordinasi, Pembagian Materi, dan Info Sertifikat, Mohon Bapak/Ibu Sudah dipastikan bergabung ke Grup Telegram melalui Link berikut: | Salam LPKN Training Center |
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| Your Publisher ID: pub-0743900184326146 | Sign in | | | | | | Dear Publisher, | With the peak holiday season just around the corner, let's make sure your AdSense account and website are ready to make the most of every revenue opportunity. | Get started with our two-step checklist: | Step 1: Optimize: your AdSense account. | | • | Get analytical. 54% of Black Friday digital orders come from mobile devices¹. Check your Q4'20 AdSense account data to see your highest-earning devices and ad formats. Your Google Analytics reports will also show top user searches and most visited pages. | • | Grow your ad inventory. As seasonal demand peaks, make sure all your ad formats and placements are available. Enable all Auto ads formats, especially AdSense's best-performing ad format, Vignette. Also, check you've turned on the 'wide screen' control in your Auto ads settings for both anchor and vignette ads. | | | | | | | | | • | Drive revenue. In 2020, 45%² of digital holiday spend occured before the end of Cyber Week. This year, ramp up the competition for your ad space early by enabling all possible ad sizes with the Ad size optimization setting. Another way to drive revenue is by unblocking all categories so more advertisers can compete for the space. You can always visit your Ad review center if you need to block individual ads from showing. | • | Unlock your income potential by turning on the new and improved Auto optimize. This lets you test different ad settings combinations and automatically apply improvements aimed at increasing revenue. High holiday traffic levels also mean your experiments can run faster, and your revenue boost kicks in sooner. Turn on Auto optimize | | Step 2: Optimize your site. | | • | Go where your audience is. Whether it's Christmas, Ramadan, or Diwali, remember that not all regions celebrate at the same time of year. Use the Google Analytics tool in AdSense to spot worldwide seasonal peaks, then refocus your strategy accordingly. Learn how to link Analytics and AdSense. | | | | • | Check your page speed 53%³ of mobile site visits are abandoned if a page takes 3 seconds or more to load. Use the Google Page Speed Insights tool to check your site's performance, and get recommended improvements. | | | | We hope that helps. All the best for the holidays. | The Google AdSense Team | ¹Retail Customer Expérience | ²Salesforce | ³Google Data, Global, n=3,700 aggregated, anonymized Analytics data from a sample of mWeb sites opted into sharing benchmark data, Mar. 2016. | | | | | | | | | |
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Reactivate Google Ads to re-engage with shoppers. | Terhubung kembali dengan pelanggan hanya dengan beberapa langkah | | | Anda sudah tahu bahwa Google Analytics adalah cara terbaik untuk mengukur progres Anda di internet. Tetapi tahukah Anda bahwa Google Ads adalah cara terbaik untuk menampilkan iklan kepada pelanggan baru? | Baik sasarannya adalah mendapatkan lebih banyak panggilan ke bisnis, kunjungan ke toko, atau klik ke situs, Anda hanya akan membayar saat pelanggan melakukan tindakan. | Hubungi 021 5088 9545021 5088 9545 untuk mendapatkan bantuan dalam menyiapkan akun Google Ads Anda dan dukungan tambahan tanpa biaya ekstra.* | Sampai jumpa di internet, Tim Google Analytics | | |
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